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Do fire doors need the fireproof hardware?

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Do fire doors need the fire proof hardware?-D and D Hardware

Do fire doors need the fireproof hardware?

In the event of a fire, a lot of people in a tall building or construction will have trouble evacuating quickly. To solve this issue, the fire reted hardware helps to prevent the spread of fires and smog, while protecting individuals that are difficult to move, and the fire door acts as any conventional door. Fire doors are complicated devices, and many different components work together to help stop the spread of fire.Therefore, we must understand the requirement of fire door components:

1. What's fire rated door hardware?

2. Why desire the fireproof door hardware?


1. What's fire rated door hardware?

Fire door hardware denotes the door hardware that can withstand the fire for a particular length of time and allow the fire door to work stably.

The U.S. Building Code stipulates that fire door hardware must be verified and listed by a third-party inspection agency.The UL10B/UL10C standard is to set certain rules for the different doors according to their characteristics.

For example, the fire door hardware:

Mortise Lock-UL 10C

Panic exit device-UL 10C/UL305/BHMA A156.3

Door Hinge-UL10C/BHMA A156.1

Door Closer-UL 10C/UL 228

P.S.: Along with North America, UL standards are recognized by markets from the Middle East, Singapore, and Southeast Asia.

Door Hardware Certification-D and D Hardware

The European region follows the EN 1634 standard. In the United Kingdom, the UK's fire door hardware components demand the hardware on the fire door has to pass the fire detection EN1634 together with the fire door. It must also comply with the CE/EN form test requirements and be certified by a third party for many European certifications. By way of instance, CERTIFIRE or BRE can only be uesed on fire exit doors after passing the test.

For example:

Door hinge-BS EN1935

Door closer-BS EN1154

Door coordinator-BS EN1158

Mortise lock-BS EN12209

Emergency exit device-BS EN179


2. Why desire the fireproof door hardware?

The door closer can make the escape door tightly closer, and play its role in preventing fire and fire from penetrating when the fire occurs; in the state where the fire door is closed, the building management personnel do not have to worry about the external person going into the building. Anti-theft work for enhanced security.


The door coordinator is used to double-open the door to protect against both door fans out of being clamped together when the fire happens. After the positioner is installed, the door could be closed in tandem. The door coordinator solves the issue of this order of closinge the double fire rated doors, so that the fire doors can play with a dependable fireproof and partition function.

The configuration on the hinge fire door must be certified by BE EN1935. The material used for the hinge has a melting point of not less than 800 degrees Celsius. The more the refractory period of the hinge, the more it helps to isolate the fire in a limited space.

The escape panic door bar refers a system that may directly and quickly push open the door leaf without any need of a key or other tool by body or hand push. It normally is made up of trigger component, a lock component, and so on. With the escape device, in a crisis, the indoor staff can immediately exit the house by driving the escape device, saving the escape time.

When a fire occurs, the panic exit device can quickly open the fire door at the public place and gain time for your indoor staff to escape. The door closer may close the door in time and keep the danger behind the door. The door coordinator satisfies the fire protection demands of the double fire rated door, and the fire door hinge is a necessary component of the fire doors. No gated product works alone, and just the products which pass the verification test work together to make the fire door work smoothly.


D and D HARDWARE has quality door hardware production and sales capacities and is distributed throughout the world to produce third-party certification solutions for the health, education, business and lodging sectors including fire protection, safety and extended performance standards.


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David Jian
Mob: 0086-139 2903 7292
Email: David@dndhardware.com, sales@danddhardware.com, 

Jobby Zhang
Mob: 0086-137 2599 9617

Email: jobby@dndhardware.com

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