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Commercial Door Closers:ANSI/UL Door Closer

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Whether you're constructing a new commercial building or need to upgrade your existing one, a Commercial Door Closer is one of the easiest ways to make sure your door will close properly and safely. A commercial door closer can also help you keep smoke, fire, and dust out of your building.

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) sets a number of standards for door closers. These grades help building owners and installers determine the safety and durability of a door closer.

Door closers come in several different types. These include hydraulic, electromagnetic, and mechanical. Mechanical door closers typically use spring tension regulated by hydraulic fluid to close the door. They are often made from cast iron and aluminum. They're commonly used on glass doors.

Commercial door closers are designed for high traffic areas. They also have a number of features that help to keep your door from breaking and smoke from spreading. Some have adjustable spring tension, which means you can adjust the amount of pressure on your door. The closer can also have an adjustable hold open function, which helps you control how long your door will stay open.

The closer should also have a number of power levels. Some commercial door closers have six power levels. This means the closer can close your door smoothly in less than 10 seconds. The closer can also have a delayed action, which means the closer will close slowly. This feature is helpful when you need to be inside a building for a long time.

ANSI Door closers are manufactured and tested to meet a variety of safety and accessibility requirements. They are also designed to work with doors of various sizes. They come in a variety of styles and can be either surface mounted or concealed in the door.

The American National Standards Institute works with the Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association to establish national safety standards for door closers. The association has developed over 40 standards. They are used by commercial and residential door manufacturers, installers and building owners to identify the durability and safety of door closers.


ANSI Door closers are tested in neutral air pressure laboratories to determine their performance. This testing provides assurance that a closer will work with a door in a manner that will not harm the door or cause damage. The tests are conducted in order to meet ANSI A156.4 requirements for concealed door closers. ANSI Door Closer also tested for a variety of other optional tests.

The 8600 door closer series is ANSI/BHMA Grade 1 certified. It is ideal for commercial applications. The series features a flat form arm, architectural finishes, and a modern slim cover. The series is also suitable for hollow metal and aluminum doors. The closer is also ADA compliant and has backcheck positioning adjustment for parallel arm applications.

The LCN 4041 Series is a non-handed surface mounted closer that is ideal for commercial interior/exterior applications. The closer features an adjustable back check to provide a checking effect when severely thrust open. It is also designed to withstand heavy traffic.

UL door closers are designed to be able to hold a door open or close it efficiently and safely. They are usually equipped with dampers that control the force of closing. This function is especially important for heavy doors. This helps ensure that a door will not get damaged.

UL Certified products are identified by a four or five letter code. These codes identify the product category under which the product is certified. They are also marked with the UL Listing or UL Certified Marks. This means that the product has been tested and is certified to meet certain standards.

A UL certified product can also be used as an egress system. It is important to note that the application must match the product. For example, a UL Door Closer is not recommended for use with a fire door.

UL certified products are also tested to ensure that they do not leak, which could lead to injury. They are also able to perform like new for over two million cycles. They also come with an adjustable back check that prevents the door from being opened too fast. This prevents damage to the door and to the wall surfaces around it.

Commercial door closer

 Door Closer

Commercial Door Closer

UL Door Closer

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